Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Woman's Intuition

You've probably heard the saying 'trust your instincts' but do you ever really listen to what your instincts are telling you, or do you just fob them off?

I think I am pretty in-tune with my body and my instincts and what they are telling me; but sometimes I don't want to listen, even though I am hearing them loud and clear. And sometimes I don't hear them until later on and then I look back and realise that something was wrong but I just wasn't picking up on it for whatever reason.

Like the times you have a change in your weight; either a loss or a gain that is unusual, or when you have bad skin/acne problems etc., or your moods change, or you feel uneasy around someone etc.

Or say you know someone and there are little inklings in the back of your mind that don't seem quite right about them but you can't quite put your finger on what is actually wrong.

Or when you are seeing someone and they say the sex is great but you are not feeling the same and actually, you don't even feel them full stop! Or what about the fact they can't even get it you think that might be a sign?

Or when they make such a big song and dance about a simple question; do you think that that is because they are lying? Like the time he invites a female friend to stay the weekend and wants a 'break' from your relationship because her 'Nana died' and he is asked where she was sleeping and he tries to make you feel guilty for not trusting him because he's 'not like that', when in fact he actually is and she shared his bed with him after all.

Not to mention the fact that he has no close friends, and doesn't let anyone in and is only 'friends' with people to use them and get what he wants from them. Or maybe the fact that he's out of work and has no money to pay the bills, is on anti depressants and has lost his license.

Maybe the fact that he splits with his girlfriend, the one he says 'I love you' to and wants to spend the rest of his life with and the same night proposes to his supposed 'ex, psycho girlfriend', Jacqui which only ends up lasting 3 days after she dumps his sorry arse, and who happens to have been on the scene the whole time, not to mention all the others...Anne and Sally to name but a few.

Sometimes you don't hear the things your intuition is telling you until you are ready to hear it. But thankfully for me, this time, I heard it loud and clear and soon got myself out of that situation.


  1. Hmmm guessing you're pretty angry then Courts... x

  2. what a loser. You're definitely better for having him out of your life. Gotta say though that I'm not surprised at all about his behaviour.
