Monday, February 8, 2010

A friend in need is a friend indeed...

I believe a true friendship should never be hard work.

We have friends for certain times in our lives; school friends, friends with similar marital status', mother's group friendships, couple friends, work friends etc. Some of the friendships we make from these groups may become lifetime friendships, but sometimes they don't, and that's ok. I don't think it's a bad thing at all to have friends who you grow apart from after a period of time, as you move into new phases of your life. Their friendship serves a purpose in your life to teach you lessons, help you through things, bring you enjoyment etc, but sometimes you need to make room for new phases in your life, new paths, bigger and better things and life just seems to go this way, sometimes it happens unconsciously, and other times it doesn't. Moving on from some friends doesn't have to be a bad thing if you are doing it for the right reasons. Some people believe that all friends should be for life, whereas I believe that some friends can be just for a time, not a lifetime.

I've never had one circle of friends but separate circles which on the rare occasion may overlap, and I've always thought of that as a negativity - I've never had one big group of friends. But maybe it is a positive that I have a broad mix of friends; a chance to see different perspectives and having different fun with different people etc.

Sometimes we are just not meant to be great friends with everyone. There shouldn't be any negativity in knowing that if your life doesn't take you down the path of great friendship with someone; it is because it is the right thing for you, and the way your life is meant to go. If it wasn't, then it'd sort it's self out eventually. Someone once told me that it is important to be selfish, but only when it comes to relationships; you need to keep yourself in check and look after yourself.

After much deliberation over the last few months of where things are going for me, and what I want out of my future, I have come to the conclusion that it is ok to move on and let go. I have realised that not all of our friends have to be friends for life; it's just the path that someone up there has made for you and in-turn, the choice you've made about your future. Friendships are not about quantity but about quality. As long as you know who your besties are, whether they be for short-term or long-term, I think you'll be ok.

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." - Anais Nin

To all my special friends out there, thank you for being you and for being my friend. xx

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